Storyslices is an award-winning strategic communication, coaching, and production company specializing in using stories to assist people and businesses AS THEY grow into the future they want.  

Storyslices brings exceptional people and services together to offer our clients a seamless experience and generate great results. We work as consultants, producers, writers, speakers, illustrators, actors, story shapers, confidantes, culture shifters, facilitators, signalers, interviewers, cheerleaders, coaches, affirmers, movers, movement leaders, and generators of expanded resources. With our strategic partners we provide a range of services while keeping efficiency and effectiveness our priority.


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Twitter: @storymore4

StoryslICES Founder

Catherine Reid Day founded Storyslices in 2009. She developed her story-based approach out of her executive experiences in higher education, television, and radio. At PRI she developed distinctive public radio programs including ‘Marketplace’ and ‘The World.’ She co-produced the award winning public television series ‘Mental Engineering’ and served as a Vice President for Macalester and Carleton Colleges and the Minnesota Children’s Museum. In 2011 she received her Master's in Organizational Consulting and Leadership from Adler Graduate School. 

Recent consulting projects include a comprehensive strategic communications effort for Augsburg College’s Advancement division, a major launch of a Seattle-based private foundation, and a leadership transition of a manufacturing company. Catherine practices cultural psychology, a story-based approach to understanding one’s identity, behavior, and motivations. She speaks, teaches, and writes on the topic ‘Identity, Longing, and Desire: the Four Pathways to More.’

Catherine serves on the board of Small Sums, Towerside Innovation District, and chairs the board of the Creative Enterprise Zone, a MSP-based community development organization located at Raymond and University along the Green Line corridor. She hosts a public affairs TV show on SPNN (Saint Paul Neighborhood Network).